A nib block is a tool used in the repair of fountain pen nibs. Used much in the same manner as a jewelers anvil, a nib can be re-shaped for better functioning. The specfic shapes formed in the machining of the block, and the smoothness of the machined surfaces are what makes this block of steel of particular interest to those who repair fountain pen nibs. An extreme "before/after" of a nib straightened on a nib block, can be seen here (images courtesy of Greg Minuskin).

Based on a nib block originally loaned to me by Rem Roberti, each block is successively machined by several pieces of computer controlled machinery. After final machining from a block of 4140 pre-heat treated carbon steel, the convex, concave and front surfaces are then hand polished. Each has been numbered (S xx) on the right end face.
September 2013: Blocks #S-81 to #S-99 have been finished and none will be made in future. All have been purchased and shipped.
The machines that made them, as well as the folks that ran them, have retired. And no, you cannot have/buy the drawings.
Alan Steytler

Owner comments
The shaping and finish seem impeccable. I really appreciate your having made this tool available.
Richard Binder
I have had limited opportunity to use your nib block, but I have been pleased. It certainly is a far cry from trying to straighten a nib using the bend and pound method.
Joel Hamilton
Do you have a new picture of your nib block I could use on my site? Mine is beat up from "real" use.
Greg Minuskin
I have been using the nib straightening block, that I purchased from you recently. It's an awsome tool! I was expecting a tool with machine marks on it that I would have to polish out, but was extremely pleased when I opened the box and examined the block. It has a very nice finish on it!
Ron Zorn
My new nib block arrived earlier than expected and met every expectation that I had! It is an excellent piece of equipment that demonstrates quality manufacturing and care in meeting the standards needed in our field. This one item saves me time and frustration when working out the little issues with nibs that come for repairs. Thank you SO much for making them available to some of us that are a bit newer in the field.
Linda Kennedy
After the polishing it takes on a mirror finish. It's absolutely flawless. This is an amazing piece of equipment.
Michael McNeil